Module: wibox.widget.progressbar

A progressbar widget.


Common usage examples

To add text on top of the progressbar, a wibox.layout.stack can be used:

wibox.widget {
        max_value     = 1,
        value         = 0.5,
        forced_height = 20,
        forced_width  = 100,
        paddings      = 1,
        border_width  = 1,
        border_color  = beautiful.border_color,
        widget        = wibox.widget.progressbar,
        text   = "50%",
        valign = "center",
        halign = "center",
        widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
    layout = wibox.layout.stack

To display the progressbar vertically, use a wibox.container.rotate widget:

wibox.widget {
        max_value     = 1,
        value         = 0.33,
        widget        = wibox.widget.progressbar,
    forced_height = 100,
    forced_width  = 20,
    direction     = "east",
    layout        = wibox.container.rotate,

By default, this widget will take all the available size. To prevent this, a wibox.container.constraint widget or the forced_width/forced_height properties have to be used.

To have a gradient between 2 colors when the bar reaches a threshold, use the gears.color gradients:

wibox.widget {
    color = {
        type  = "linear",
        from  = { 0  , 0 },
        to    = { 100, 0 },
        stops = {
            { 0  , "#0000ff" },
            { 0.8, "#0000ff" },
            { 1  , "#ff0000" }
    max_value     = 1,
    value         = 1,
    forced_height = 20,
    forced_width  = 100,
    paddings      = 1,
    border_width  = 1,
    border_color  = beautiful.border_color,
    widget        = wibox.widget.progressbar,

The same goes for multiple solid colors:

for _, value in ipairs { 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1 } do
    wibox.widget {
        color = {
            type  = "linear",
            from  = { 0  , 0 },
            to    = { 100, 0 },
            stops = {
                { 0  , "#00ff00" },
                { 0.5, "#00ff00" },
                { 0.5, "#ffff00" },
                { 0.7, "#ffff00" },
                { 0.7, "#ffaa00" },
                { 0.8, "#ffaa00" },
                { 0.8, "#ff0000" },
                { 1  , "#ff0000" }
        max_value     = 1,
        value         = value,
        forced_height = 20,
        forced_width  = 100,
        paddings      = 1,
        border_width  = 1,
        border_color  = beautiful.border_color,
        widget        = wibox.widget.progressbar,


    wibox.widget {
        max_value     = 1,
        value         = 0.33,
        forced_height = 20,
        forced_width  = 100,
        shape         = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
        border_width  = 2,
        border_color  = beautiful.border_color,
        widget        = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Class Hierarchy



wibox.widget.progressbar {[args]} Create a progressbar widget.

Object properties

border_color color or nil The progressbar border color.
border_width number or nil The progressbar border width.
bar_border_color color or nil The progressbar inner border color.
bar_border_width number or nil The progressbar inner border width.
color color or nil The progressbar foreground color.
background_color color or nil The progressbar background color.
bar_shape shape or nil The progressbar inner shape.
shape shape or nil The progressbar shape.
clip boolean Force the inner part (the bar) to fit in the background shape.
ticks boolean The progressbar to draw ticks.
ticks_gap number The progressbar ticks gap.
ticks_size number The progressbar ticks size.
max_value number The maximum value the progressbar should handle.
margins table or number or nil The progressbar margins.
paddings table or number or nil The progressbar padding.
value number Set the progressbar value.
children table Get or set the children elements. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
all_children table Get all direct and indirect children widgets. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
forced_height number or nil Force a widget height. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
forced_width number or nil Force a widget width. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
opacity number The widget opacity (transparency). Inherited from wibox.widget.base
visible boolean The widget visibility. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
buttons table The widget buttons. Inherited from wibox.widget.base

Theme variables

beautiful.progressbar_bg color The progressbar background color.
beautiful.progressbar_fg color The progressbar foreground color.
beautiful.progressbar_shape shape The progressbar shape.
beautiful.progressbar_border_color color The progressbar border color.
beautiful.progressbar_border_width number The progressbar outer border width.
beautiful.progressbar_bar_shape gears.shape The progressbar inner shape.
beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_width number The progressbar bar border width.
beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_color color The progressbar bar border color.
beautiful.progressbar_margins (table or number or nil) The progressbar margins.
beautiful.progressbar_paddings (table or number or nil) The progressbar padding.

Deprecated functions

wibox.widget.progressbar.set_vertical (vertical) Set the progressbar to draw vertically. Deprecated
wibox.widget.progressbar.set_height (height) Set the progressbar height. Deprecated
wibox.widget.progressbar.set_width (width) Set the progressbar width. Deprecated

Object methods

:add_button (button) Add a new awful.button to this widget. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
:emit_signal_recursive (signal_name, ...) Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also forward the signal. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
:index (widget, recursive, ...) -> (number, widget, table) Get the index of a widget. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
:connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal. Inherited from gears.object
:weak_connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal weakly. Inherited from gears.object
:disconnect_signal (name, func) Disconnect from a signal. Inherited from gears.object
:emit_signal (name, ...) Emit a signal. Inherited from gears.object


widget::layout_changed When the layout (size) change. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
widget::redraw_needed When the widget content changed. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
button::press When a mouse button is pressed over the widget. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
button::release When a mouse button is released over the widget. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
mouse::enter When the mouse enter a widget. Inherited from wibox.widget.base
mouse::leave When the mouse leave a widget. Inherited from wibox.widget.base


🔗 wibox.widget.progressbar {[args]}
Create a progressbar widget.


Note: This constructors uses named parameters calling convention. It means you call it with {} and omit the parantheses. For example, calling this will all default argument would be wibox.widget.progressbar{}. This is a Lua shortcut syntax equivalent to wibox.widget.progressbar({}). args is only a placeholder name for the "lone table argument" used in named parameters calls.
Name Type(s) Description
args table Standard widget() arguments. You should add width and height constructor parameters to set progressbar geometry.
width Optional number The width.
height Optional number The height.
border_color Optional gears.color The progressbar border color.
border_width Optional number The progressbar border width.
bar_border_color Optional gears.color The progressbar inner border color.
bar_border_width Optional number The progressbar inner border width.
color Optional gears.color The progressbar foreground color.
background_color Optional gears.color The progressbar background color.
bar_shape Optional gears.shape The progressbar inner shape.
shape Optional gears.shape The progressbar shape.
clip Optional boolean Force the inner part (the bar) to fit in the background shape.
ticks Optional boolean The progressbar to draw ticks.
ticks_gap Optional number The progressbar ticks gap.
ticks_size Optional number The progressbar ticks size.
max_value Optional number The maximum value the progressbar should handle.
margins Optional table or number The progressbar margins.
paddings Optional table or number The progressbar padding.
value Optional number Set the progressbar value.


    wibox.widget.progressbar A progressbar widget.

Object properties

🔗 border_color color or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The progressbar border color.

If the value is nil, no border will be drawn.


Default value : beautiful.wibox_widget_progressbar_border_color
Type description:
string : An hexadecimal color code, such as "#ff0000" for red.
string : A color name, such as "red".
table : A gradient table.
cairo.pattern : Any valid Cairo pattern.
cairo.pattern : A texture build from an image by gears.color.create_png_pattern
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_border_color.
Valid values : The border color to set.

See also:

gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module


    for _, color in ipairs { {nil}, {"#ff0000"}, {"#00ff00"}, {"#0000ff44"} } do
        wibox.widget {
            value        = 0.33,
            border_width = 2,
            border_color = color[1],
            widget       = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_border_colorFallback when border_color isn't set.
🔗 border_width number or nil · 1 signal · 2 theme variables
The progressbar border width.


Default value : beautiful.wibox_widget_progressbar_border_width
Type description:
nil : Defaults to beautiful.progressbar_border_width.
number : The number of pixels
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : false


    for _, width in ipairs { 0, 2, 4, 6 } do
        wibox.widget {
            value        = 0.33,
            border_width = width,
            border_color = "#ff0000",
            widget       = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_border_widthFallback when border_width isn't set.
beautiful.progressbar_border_widthFallback when border_width isn't set.
🔗 bar_border_color color or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The progressbar inner border color.

If the value is nil, no border will be drawn.


Default value : beautiful.wibox_widget_progressbar_bar_border_color
Type description:
string : An hexadecimal color code, such as "#ff0000" for red.
string : A color name, such as "red".
table : A gradient table.
cairo.pattern : Any valid Cairo pattern.
cairo.pattern : A texture build from an image by gears.color.create_png_pattern
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_color.
Valid values : The border color to set.

See also:

gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module


    for _, color in ipairs { {nil}, {"#ff0000"}, {"#00ff00"}, {"#0000ff44"} } do
        wibox.widget {
            value            = 0.33,
            bar_border_width = 2,
            bar_border_color = color[1],
            widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_colorFallback when bar_border_color isn't set.
🔗 bar_border_width number or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable · 1 theme variable
The progressbar inner border width.


Default value : beautiful.wibox_widget_progressbar_bar_border_width
Type description:
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_width.
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : false


    for _, width in ipairs { 0, 2, 4, 6 } do
        wibox.widget {
            value            = 0.33,
            bar_border_width = width,
            bar_border_color = "#ff0000",
            widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_border_widthFallback when beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_width isn't set.

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_widthFallback when bar_border_width isn't set.
🔗 color color or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The progressbar foreground color.


Default value : beautiful.progressbar_fg
Type description:
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_fg.
string : An hexadecimal color code, such as "#ff0000" for red.
string : A color name, such as "red".
table : A gradient table.
cairo.pattern : Any valid Cairo pattern.
cairo.pattern : A texture build from an image by gears.color.create_png_pattern
Valid values : The progressbar color.

See also:

gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module


    for _, color in ipairs { {nil}, {"#ff0000"}, {"#00ff00"}, {"#0000ff44"} } do
        wibox.widget {
            value  = 0.33,
            color  = color[1],
            widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::color When the color value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value color The new value affected to the property.

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
🔗 background_color color or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The progressbar background color.


Default value : beautiful.progressbar_bg
Type description:
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_bg.
string : An hexadecimal color code, such as "#ff0000" for red.
string : A color name, such as "red".
table : A gradient table.
cairo.pattern : Any valid Cairo pattern.
cairo.pattern : A texture build from an image by gears.color.create_png_pattern
Valid values : The progressbar background color.

See also:

gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module


    for _, color in ipairs { {nil}, {"#ff0000"}, {"#00ff00"}, {"#0000ff44"} } do
        wibox.widget {
            value            = 0.33,
            background_color = color[1],
            widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
🔗 bar_shape shape or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The progressbar inner shape.


Default value : beautiful.wibox_widget_progressbar_bar_shape
Type description:
gears.shape : Like
function: : This can be used for custom shapes or to set parameters of existing shapes.
Function prototype:
cr (cairo.context) : A Cairo context
width (number) : The area width.
height (number) : The area height.
Return : The function returns nothing.
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_bar_shape.

See also:

gears.shape Module dedicated to gather common shape painters. module


    for _, shape in ipairs {"rounded_bar", "octogon", "hexagon", "powerline" } do
        l:add(wibox.widget {
              value            = 0.33,
              bar_shape        = gears.shape[shape],
              bar_border_color = beautiful.border_color,
              bar_border_width = 1,
              border_width     = 2,
              border_color     = beautiful.border_color,
              paddings         = 1,
              widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::bar_shape When the bar_shape value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value bar_shape The new value affected to the property.

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_bar_shapeFallback when bar_shape isn't set.
🔗 shape shape or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The progressbar shape.


Default value : beautiful.wibox_widget_progressbar_shape
Type description:
gears.shape : Like
function: : This can be used for custom shapes or to set parameters of existing shapes.
Function prototype:
cr (cairo.context) : A Cairo context
width (number) : The area width.
height (number) : The area height.
Return : The function returns nothing.
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_shape.

See also:

gears.shape Module dedicated to gather common shape painters. module


    for _, shape in ipairs {"rounded_bar", "octogon", "hexagon", "powerline" } do
        l:add(wibox.widget {
              value         = 0.33,
              shape         = gears.shape[shape],
              border_width  = 2,
              border_color  = beautiful.border_color,
              widget        = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::shape When the shape value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value shape The new value affected to the property.

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_shapeFallback when shape isn't set.
🔗 clip boolean · 1 signal
Force the inner part (the bar) to fit in the background shape.


Default value : true
Valid values : true or false.


    wibox.widget {
        value            = 75,
        max_value        = 100,
        border_width     = 2,
        border_color     = beautiful.border_color,
        color            = beautiful.border_color,
        shape            = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
        bar_shape        = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
        clip             = false,
        forced_height    = 30,
        forced_width     = 100,
        paddings         = 5,
        margins          = {
            top    = 12,
            bottom = 12,
        widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::clip When the clip value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value clip The new value affected to the property.
🔗 ticks boolean · 1 signal
The progressbar to draw ticks.

The add a little bar in between the values.


Default value : false
Valid values : true or false.

See also:

ticks_gap The progressbar ticks gap. object properties
ticks_size The progressbar ticks size. object properties


    for _, has_ticks in ipairs { true, false } do
        wibox.widget {
            value        = 0.33,
            border_width = 2,
            ticks        = has_ticks,
            widget       = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::ticks When the ticks value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value ticks The new value affected to the property.
🔗 ticks_gap number · 1 signal
The progressbar ticks gap.


Default value : 1
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : false

See also:

ticks_size The progressbar ticks size. object properties
ticks The progressbar to draw ticks. object properties


    for _, gap in ipairs { 0, 2, 4, 6 } do
        wibox.widget {
            value        = 0.33,
            border_width = 2,
            ticks        = true,
            ticks_gap    = gap,
            widget       = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::ticks_gap When the ticks_gap value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value ticks_gap The new value affected to the property.
🔗 ticks_size number · 1 signal

The progressbar ticks size.

for _, size in ipairs { 0, 2, 4, 6 } do
    wibox.widget {
        value        = 0.33,
        border_width = 2,
        ticks        = true,
        ticks_size   = size,
        widget       = wibox.widget.progressbar,

It is also possible to mix this feature with the bar_shape property:

for _, size in ipairs { 0, 2, 4, 6 } do
    -- Plane shapes.
    wibox.widget {
        value        = 1,
        border_width = 2,
        ticks        = true,
        ticks_size   = size,
        ticks_gap    = 3,
        paddings     = 2,
        bar_shape    = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
        widget       = wibox.widget.progressbar,

    -- With a border for each shape.
    wibox.widget {
        value            = 1,
        border_width     = 2,
        ticks            = true,
        ticks_size       = size,
        ticks_gap        = 3,
        paddings         = 2,
        bar_shape        = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
        bor_border_width = 2,
        bar_border_color = beautiful.border_color,
        widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

    -- With a gradient.
    wibox.widget {
        color = {
            type  = "linear",
            from  = { 0 , 0 },
            to    = { 65, 0 },
            stops = {
                { 0   , "#0000ff" },
                { 0.75, "#0000ff" },
                { 1   , "#ff0000" }
        paddings     = 2,
        value        = 1,
        border_width = 2,
        ticks        = true,
        ticks_size   = size,
        ticks_gap    = 3,
        bar_shape    = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
        widget       = wibox.widget.progressbar,


Default value : 4
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : false

See also:

ticks_gap The progressbar ticks gap. object properties
ticks The progressbar to draw ticks. object properties

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::ticks_size When the ticks_size value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value ticks_size The new value affected to the property.
🔗 max_value number · 1 signal
The maximum value the progressbar should handle.

By default, the value is 1. So the content of value is a percentage.


Default value : 1
Negative allowed : true

See also:

value Set the progressbar value. object properties


    for _, value in ipairs { 0, 10, 42, 999 } do
        wibox.widget {
            value     = value,
            max_value = 42,
            widget    = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::max_value When the max_value value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value max_value The new value affected to the property.
🔗 margins table or number or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The progressbar margins.

The margins are around the progressbar. If you want to add space between the bar and the border, use paddings.

wibox.widget {
        margins = {
            top    = 4,
            bottom = 2,
            right  = 10,
            left   = 5
        value        = 0.33,
        border_width = 2,
        border_color = "#00ff00",
        background   = "#0000ff",
        widget       = wibox.widget.progressbar,
    forced_width = 75, --DOC_hIDE
    bg     = "#ff0000",
    widget = wibox.container.background

Note that if the clip is disabled, this allows the background to be smaller than the bar.

It is also possible to specify a single number instead of a border for each direction;


Default value : 0
Type description:
number : Use the same value for each side.
table: : Use a different value for each side:
top (number)
bottom (number)
left (number)
right (number)
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_margins.
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : true
Valid values : A table for each side or a number

See also:

clip Force the inner part (the bar) to fit in the background shape. object properties
paddings The progressbar padding. object properties
wibox.container.margin Add a margin around a widget. module


    for _, margin in ipairs { 0, 2, 4, 6 } do
        wibox.widget {
            value   = 0.33,
            margins = margin,
            widget  = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::margins When the margins value changes.

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_marginsFallback when margins isn't set.
🔗 paddings table or number or nil · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The progressbar padding.

This is the space between the inner bar and the progressbar outer border.

Note that if the clip is disabled, this allows the bar to be taller than the background.

wibox.widget {
    paddings = {
        top    = 4,
        bottom = 2,
        right  = 10,
        left   = 5
    value            = 1,
    border_width     = 2,
    border_color     = "#00ff00",
    bar_border_wisth = 2,
    bar_border_color = "#ffff00",
    bor_color        = "#ff00ff",
    background       = "#0000ff",
    widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

The paddings can also be a single numeric value:


Default value : 0
Type description:
number : Use the same value for each side.
table: : Use a different value for each side:
top (number)
bottom (number)
left (number)
right (number)
nil : Fallback to the current value of beautiful.progressbar_paddings.
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : true
Valid values : A table for each side or a number

See also:

clip Force the inner part (the bar) to fit in the background shape. object properties
margins The progressbar margins. object properties


    for _, padding in ipairs { 0, 2, 4, 6 } do
        wibox.widget {
            value   = 0.33,
            paddings = padding,
            widget  = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::paddings When the paddings value changes.

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.progressbar_paddingsFallback when paddings isn't set.
🔗 value number · 1 signal
Set the progressbar value.

By default, unless max_value is set, it is number between zero and one.


Default value : 0
Negative allowed : true

See also:

max_value The maximum value the progressbar should handle. object properties


    for _, value in ipairs { 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1 } do
        wibox.widget {
            value  = value,
            widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::value When the value value changes.
    • self wibox.widget.progressbar The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value value The new value affected to the property.
🔗 children table · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
Get or set the children elements.


Default value : {}
Table content : A list of wibox.widget.

See also:

🔗 all_children table · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
Get all direct and indirect children widgets. This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow if there is a loop in the widgets hierarchy. A hierarchy loop is when a widget, or any of its children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.


Default value : {}
Table content : A list of wibox.widget.

See also:

🔗 forced_height number or nil · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
Force a widget height.


Default value : nil
Type description:
nil : Let the layout decide the height. Usually using the widget native height.
number : Enforce a number of pixels.
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : false

See also:

🔗 forced_width number or nil · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
Force a widget width.


Default value : nil
Type description:
nil : Let the layout decide the width. Usually using the widget native width.
number : Enforce a number of pixels.
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : false

See also:

🔗 opacity number · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
The widget opacity (transparency).


Default value : 1.0
Unit : A gradient between transparent (0.0) and opaque (1.0).
Minimum value : 0.0
Maximum value : 1.0

See also:

🔗 visible boolean · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
The widget visibility.


Default value : true
Valid values : true or false.

See also:

🔗 buttons table · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
The widget buttons.

The table contains a list of awful.button objects.


Default value : {}
Table content : A list of awful.button.

See also:

awful.button Create easily new buttons objects ignoring certain modifiers. module

Theme variables

🔗 beautiful.progressbar_bg color
The progressbar background color.
Click to display more

Used by:

🔗 beautiful.progressbar_fg color
The progressbar foreground color.
Click to display more

Used by:

  • color The progressbar foreground color.
🔗 beautiful.progressbar_shape shape
The progressbar shape.

See also:

gears.shape Module dedicated to gather common shape painters. module

Click to display more

Used by:

  • shape The progressbar shape.
🔗 beautiful.progressbar_border_color color
The progressbar border color.
Click to display more

Used by:

🔗 beautiful.progressbar_border_width number
The progressbar outer border width.
Click to display more

Used by:

🔗 beautiful.progressbar_bar_shape gears.shape
The progressbar inner shape.

See also:

gears.shape Module dedicated to gather common shape painters. module

Click to display more

Used by:

🔗 beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_width number
The progressbar bar border width.
Click to display more

Used by:

🔗 beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_color color
The progressbar bar border color.
Click to display more

Used by:

🔗 beautiful.progressbar_margins (table or number or nil)
The progressbar margins.

Note that if the clip is disabled, this allows the background to be smaller than the bar.

Type constraints:

Name Type(s) Description Default value
margins Optional table A table for each side or a number 0
top Optional number 0
bottom Optional number 0
left Optional number 0
right Optional number 0

See also:

clip Force the inner part (the bar) to fit in the background shape. object properties
beautiful.progressbar_paddings The progressbar padding. theme variables
wibox.container.margin Add a margin around a widget. module

Click to display more

Used by:

🔗 beautiful.progressbar_paddings (table or number or nil)
The progressbar padding.

Note that if the clip is disabled, this allows the bar to be taller than the background.

Type constraints:

Name Type(s) Description Default value
padding Optional (table, number or nil) A table for each side or a number 0

See also:

clip Force the inner part (the bar) to fit in the background shape. object properties
beautiful.progressbar_margins The progressbar margins. theme variables

Click to display more

Used by:

Deprecated functions

🔗 wibox.widget.progressbar.set_vertical (vertical)
Set the progressbar to draw vertically.

This doesn't do anything anymore, use a wibox.container.rotate widget.


Name Type(s) Description
vertical boolean
🔗 wibox.widget.progressbar.set_height (height)
Set the progressbar height.

This method is deprecated. Use a wibox.container.constraint widget or forced_height.


Name Type(s) Description
height number The height to set.
🔗 wibox.widget.progressbar.set_width (width)
Set the progressbar width.

This method is deprecated. Use a wibox.container.constraint widget or forced_width.


Name Type(s) Description
width number The width to set.

Object methods

🔗 :add_button (button) · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
Add a new awful.button to this widget.


Name Type(s) Description
button awful.button The button to add.
🔗 :emit_signal_recursive (signal_name, ...) · Inherited from wibox.widget.base

Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also forward the signal.

This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.

Note that this function has some flaws:

  1. The signal is only forwarded once the widget tree has been built. This happens after all currently scheduled functions have been executed. Therefore, it will not start to work right away.
  2. In case the widget is present multiple times in a single widget tree, this function will also forward the signal multiple times (once per upward tree path).
  3. If the widget is removed from the widget tree, the signal is still forwarded for some time, similar to the first case.


Name Type(s) Description
signal_name string
... Other arguments
🔗 :index (widget, recursive, ...) -> (number, widget, table) · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
Get the index of a widget.


Name Type(s) Description
widget widget The widget to look for.
recursive Optional boolean Recursively check accross the sub-widgets hierarchy.
... Optional widget Additional widgets to add at the end of the sub-widgets hierarchy "path".


  1. number The widget index.
  2. widget The parent widget.
  3. table The hierarchy path between "self" and "widget".
🔗 :connect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object

Connect to a signal.

Usage example output:

In slot [obj]   nil nil nil
In slot [obj]   foo bar 42


Name Type(s) Description
name string The name of the signal.
func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted.


    local o = gears.object{}
    -- Function can be attached to signals
    local function slot(obj, a, b, c)
        print("In slot", obj, a, b, c)
    o:connect_signal("my_signal", slot)
    -- Emitting can be done without arguments. In that case, the object will be
    -- implicitly added as an argument.
    o:emit_signal "my_signal"
    -- It is also possible to add as many random arguments are required.
    o:emit_signal("my_signal", "foo", "bar", 42)
    -- Finally, to allow the object to be garbage collected (the memory freed), it
    -- is necessary to disconnect the signal or use weak_connect_signal
    o:disconnect_signal("my_signal", slot)
    -- This time, the slot wont be called as it is no longer connected.
    o:emit_signal "my_signal"
🔗 :weak_connect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object
Connect to a signal weakly.

This allows the callback function to be garbage collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens. Warning: Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you are doing.


Name Type(s) Description
name string The name of the signal.
func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted.
🔗 :disconnect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object
Disconnect from a signal.


Name Type(s) Description
name string The name of the signal.
func function The callback that should be disconnected.
🔗 :emit_signal (name, ...) · Inherited from gears.object
Emit a signal.


Name Type(s) Description
name string The name of the signal
... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments that are given to emit_signal()


🔗 widget::layout_changed · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
When the layout (size) change. This signal is emitted when the previous results of :layout() and :fit() are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, :layout() and :fit() must return the same result when called with the same arguments.

See also:

widget::redraw_needed When the widget content changed. signals
🔗 widget::redraw_needed · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
When the widget content changed. This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that :layout() and :fit() would still return the same results as before.

See also:

widget::layout_changed When the layout (size) change. signals
🔗 button::press · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.


Name Type(s) Description
self table The current object instance itself.
lx number The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in the widget.
ly number The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the widget.
button number The button number.
mods table The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
find_widgets_result table The entry from the result of wibox:find_widgets for the position that the mouse hit.
drawable wibox.drawable The drawable containing the widget.
widget widget The widget being displayed.
hierarchy wibox.hierarchy The hierarchy managing the widget's geometry.
x number An approximation of the X position that the widget is visible at on the surface.
y number An approximation of the Y position that the widget is visible at on the surface.
width number An approximation of the width that the widget is visible at on the surface.
height number An approximation of the height that the widget is visible at on the surface.
widget_width number The exact width of the widget in its local coordinate system.
widget_height number The exact height of the widget in its local coordinate system.

See also:

mouse Manipulate and inspect the mouse cursor. module
🔗 button::release · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
When a mouse button is released over the widget.


Name Type(s) Description
self table The current object instance itself.
lx number The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in the widget.
ly number The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the widget.
button number The button number.
mods table The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
find_widgets_result table The entry from the result of wibox:find_widgets for the position that the mouse hit.
drawable wibox.drawable The drawable containing the widget.
widget widget The widget being displayed.
hierarchy wibox.hierarchy The hierarchy managing the widget's geometry.
x number An approximation of the X position that the widget is visible at on the surface.
y number An approximation of the Y position that the widget is visible at on the surface.
width number An approximation of the width that the widget is visible at on the surface.
height number An approximation of the height that the widget is visible at on the surface.
widget_width number The exact width of the widget in its local coordinate system.
widget_height number The exact height of the widget in its local coordinate system.

See also:

mouse Manipulate and inspect the mouse cursor. module
🔗 mouse::enter · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
When the mouse enter a widget.


Name Type(s) Description
self table The current object instance itself.
find_widgets_result table The entry from the result of wibox:find_widgets for the position that the mouse hit.
drawable wibox.drawable The drawable containing the widget.
widget widget The widget being displayed.
hierarchy wibox.hierarchy The hierarchy managing the widget's geometry.
x number An approximation of the X position that the widget is visible at on the surface.
y number An approximation of the Y position that the widget is visible at on the surface.
width number An approximation of the width that the widget is visible at on the surface.
height number An approximation of the height that the widget is visible at on the surface.
widget_width number The exact width of the widget in its local coordinate system.
widget_height number The exact height of the widget in its local coordinate system.

See also:

mouse Manipulate and inspect the mouse cursor. module
🔗 mouse::leave · Inherited from wibox.widget.base
When the mouse leave a widget.


Name Type(s) Description
self table The current object instance itself.
find_widgets_result table The entry from the result of wibox:find_widgets for the position that the mouse hit.
drawable wibox.drawable The drawable containing the widget.
widget widget The widget being displayed.
hierarchy wibox.hierarchy The hierarchy managing the widget's geometry.
x number An approximation of the X position that the widget is visible at on the surface.
y number An approximation of the Y position that the widget is visible at on the surface.
width number An approximation of the width that the widget is visible at on the surface.
height number An approximation of the height that the widget is visible at on the surface.
widget_width number The exact width of the widget in its local coordinate system.
widget_height number The exact height of the widget in its local coordinate system.

See also:

mouse Manipulate and inspect the mouse cursor. module
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