Module: naughty.action

A notification action.

A notification can have multiple actions to chose from. This module allows to manage such actions. An action object can be shared by multiple notifications.



naughty.action {[args]} Create a new action.

Object properties

position integer The action position (index).
icon image or string or nil The action icon.
icon_only boolean If the action should hide the label and only display the icon.

Object methods

:invoke (notif) Execute this action.
:emit_signal (name, ...) Emit a signal. Inherited from gears.object
:connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal. Inherited from gears.object
:weak_connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal weakly. Inherited from gears.object


invoked When a notification is invoked.


🔗 naughty.action {[args]}
Create a new action.


Note: This constructors uses named parameters calling convention. It means you call it with {} and omit the parantheses. For example, calling this will all default argument would be naughty.action{}. This is a Lua shortcut syntax equivalent to naughty.action({}). args is only a placeholder name for the "lone table argument" used in named parameters calls.
Name Type(s) Description
args table The arguments.
name string The name.
position string The position.
icon string The icon.
notification naughty.notification The notification object.
selected boolean If this action is currently selected.


    A new action.

Object properties

🔗 position integer · 1 signal
The action position (index).


Default value : This is provided by DBus.
Negative allowed : false

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Emit signals:

  • property::position When the position value changes.
    • self naughty.action The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value position The new value affected to the property.
🔗 icon image or string or nil · 1 signal
The action icon.


Default value : nil
Type description:
string : Interpreted as a path to an image file.
string : A valid SVG content.
cairo : A cairo image surface: Directly used as-is.
librsvg : A librsvg handle object: Directly used as-is.
nil : Unset the image.

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Emit signals:

  • property::icon When the icon value changes.
    • self naughty.action The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value icon The new value affected to the property.
🔗 icon_only boolean · 1 signal

If the action should hide the label and only display the icon.

 local notif = naughty.notification {
     title   = "A notification",
     message = "This notification has actions!",
     actions = {
         naughty.action {
             name = "Accept",
             icon = beautiful.awesome_icon,
             icon_only = true,
         naughty.action {
             name = "Refuse",
             icon = beautiful.awesome_icon,
             icon_only = true,
         naughty.action {
             name = "Ignore",
             icon = beautiful.awesome_icon,
             icon_only = true,

 wibox.widget {
     notification = notif,
     widget = naughty.list.actions,


Default value : false
Valid values : true or false.

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Emit signals:

  • property::icon_only When the icon_only value changes.
    • self naughty.action The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value icon_only The new value affected to the property.

Object methods

🔗 :invoke (notif)
Execute this action.

This only emits the invoked signal.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
notif Optional naughty.notification A notification object on which the action was invoked. If a notification is shared by many object (like a "mute" or "snooze" action added to all notification), calling :invoke() without adding the notif context will cause unexpected results. {}
🔗 :emit_signal (name, ...) · Inherited from gears.object
Emit a signal.


Name Type(s) Description
name string The name of the signal.
... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments that are given to emit_signal().
🔗 :connect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object
Connect to a signal.


Name Type(s) Description
name string The name of the signal.
func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted.
🔗 :weak_connect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object
Connect to a signal weakly.

This allows the callback function to be garbage collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.

Warning: Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you are doing.


Name Type(s) Description
name string The name of the signal.
func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted.


🔗 invoked
When a notification is invoked.

Note that it is possible to call :invoke() without a notification object. It is possible the notification parameter will be nil.


Name Type(s) Description
action naughty.action The action.
notification naughty.notification or nil The notification, if known.
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