Module: menubar

Menubar module, which aims to provide a freedesktop menu alternative.

List of menubar keybindings:

Keybinding Description
LeftC-j select an item on the left
RightC-k select an item on the right
Backspace exit the current category if we are in any
Escape exit the current directory or exit menubar
Home select the first item
End select the last
Return execute the entry
C-Return execute the command with awful.spawn
C-M-Return execute the command in a terminal


Static module functions

menubar.refresh (scr) Refresh menubar's cache by reloading .desktop files. (scr) Show the menubar on the given screen.
menubar.hide () Hide the menubar.

Theme variables

beautiful.menubar_fg_normal color Menubar normal text color.
beautiful.menubar_bg_normal color Menubar normal background color.
beautiful.menubar_border_width number Menubar border width.
beautiful.menubar_border_color color Menubar border color.
beautiful.menubar_fg_focus color Menubar selected item text color.
beautiful.menubar_bg_focus color Menubar selected item background color.
beautiful.menubar_font font Menubar font.

Deprecated functions

menubar.get (scr) Get a menubar wibox. Deprecated


menubar.geometry Specifies the geometry of the menubar.
menubar.prompt_args Allows user to specify custom parameters for function (like colors).


menubar.cache_entries boolean When true the .desktop files will be reparsed only when the extension is initialized.
menubar.show_categories boolean When true the categories will be shown alongside application entries.
menubar.match_empty boolean When false will hide results if the current query is empty
menubar.right_margin number Width of blank space left in the right side.
menubar.right_label string Label used for "Next page", default "▶▶".
menubar.left_label string Label used for "Previous page", default "◀◀".

Static module functions

🔗 menubar.refresh (scr)
Refresh menubar's cache by reloading .desktop files.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
scr Optional screen Screen. awful.screen.focused()
🔗 (scr) · 7 theme variables
Show the menubar on the given screen.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
scr Optional screen Screen. awful.screen.focused()

Click to display more

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
🔗 menubar.hide ()
Hide the menubar.

Theme variables

🔗 beautiful.menubar_fg_normal color
Menubar normal text color.
Click to display more

Used by:

  • show Show the menubar on the given screen.
🔗 beautiful.menubar_bg_normal color
Menubar normal background color.
Click to display more

Used by:

  • show Show the menubar on the given screen.
🔗 beautiful.menubar_border_width number
Menubar border width.
Click to display more

Used by:

  • show Show the menubar on the given screen.
🔗 beautiful.menubar_border_color color
Menubar border color.
Click to display more

Used by:

  • show Show the menubar on the given screen.
🔗 beautiful.menubar_fg_focus color
Menubar selected item text color.
Click to display more

Used by:

  • show Show the menubar on the given screen.
🔗 beautiful.menubar_bg_focus color
Menubar selected item background color.
Click to display more

Used by:

  • show Show the menubar on the given screen.
🔗 beautiful.menubar_font font
Menubar font.
Click to display more

Used by:

  • show Show the menubar on the given screen.

Deprecated functions

🔗 menubar.get (scr)
Get a menubar wibox.


Name Type(s) Description
scr Optional screen Screen.


    menubar wibox.


🔗 menubar.geometry
Specifies the geometry of the menubar. This is a table with the keys x, y, width and height. Missing values are replaced via the screen's geometry. However, missing height is replaced by the font size.
🔗 menubar.prompt_args
Allows user to specify custom parameters for function (like colors). This will merge with the default parameters, overriding affected values.

See also:

awful.prompt Convert a wibox.widget.textbox into an input prompt. module


🔗 menubar.cache_entries boolean
When true the .desktop files will be reparsed only when the extension is initialized. Use this if menubar takes much time to open.
🔗 menubar.show_categories boolean
When true the categories will be shown alongside application entries.
🔗 menubar.match_empty boolean
When false will hide results if the current query is empty
🔗 menubar.right_margin number
Width of blank space left in the right side.
🔗 menubar.right_label string
Label used for "Next page", default "▶▶".
🔗 menubar.left_label string
Label used for "Previous page", default "◀◀".
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