Module: awful.popup

An auto-resized, free floating or modal wibox built around a widget.

This type of widget box (wibox) is auto closed when being clicked on and is automatically resized to the size of its main widget.

Note that the widget itself should have a finite size. If something like a wibox.layout.flex is used, then the size would be unlimited and an error will be printed. The wibox.layout.fixed, wibox.container.constraint, forced_width and forced_height are recommended.

awful.popup {
    widget = {
                text   = "foobar",
                widget = wibox.widget.textbox
                    text   = "foobar",
                    widget = wibox.widget.textbox
                bg     = "#ff00ff",
                clip   = true,
                shape  = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
                widget = wibox.widget.background
                value         = 0.5,
                forced_height = 30,
                forced_width  = 100,
                widget        = wibox.widget.progressbar
            layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
        margins = 10,
        widget  = wibox.container.margin
    border_color = "#00ff00",
    border_width = 5,
    placement    = awful.placement.top_left,
    shape        = gears.shape.rounded_rect,
    visible      = true,

Here is an example of how to create an alt-tab like dialog by leveraging the awful.widget.tasklist.

awful.popup {
    widget = awful.widget.tasklist {
        screen   = screen[1],
        filter   = awful.widget.tasklist.filter.allscreen,
        buttons  = tasklist_buttons,
        style    = {
            shape = gears.shape.rounded_rect,
        layout   = {
            spacing = 5,
            row_count = 2,
            layout = wibox.layout.grid.horizontal
        widget_template = {
                    id     = "clienticon",
                    widget = awful.widget.clienticon,
                margins = 4,
                widget  = wibox.container.margin,
            id              = "background_role",
            forced_width    = 48,
            forced_height   = 48,
            widget          = wibox.container.background,
            create_callback = function(self, c, index, objects) --luacheck: no unused
                self:get_children_by_id("clienticon")[1].client = c
    border_color = "#777777",
    border_width = 2,
    ontop        = true,
    placement    = awful.placement.centered,
    shape        = gears.shape.rounded_rect

Class Hierarchy


  • Copyright: 2016 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
  • Originally authored by: Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
    (Full contributors list available on our github project)


awful.popup {[args]} Create a new popup build around a passed in widget.

Object properties

preferred_positions table or string Set the preferred popup position relative to its parent.
preferred_anchors table or string Set the preferred popup anchors relative to the parent.
current_position string The current position relative to the parent object. Read only
current_anchor string Get the current anchor relative to the parent object. Read only
hide_on_right_click boolean Hide the popup when right clicked.
minimum_width integer The popup minimum width.
minimum_height integer The popup minimum height.
maximum_width integer The popup maximum width.
maximum_height integer The popup maximum height.
offset table or integer The distance between the popup and its parent (if any).
placement placement or string or boolean Set the placement function.
border_width integer Border width. Inherited from wibox
border_color string Border color. Inherited from wibox
ontop boolean On top of other windows. Inherited from wibox
cursor string or nil The mouse cursor. Inherited from wibox
visible boolean Visibility. Inherited from wibox
opacity number The opacity of the wibox, between 0 and 1. Inherited from wibox
type string The window type (desktop, normal, dock, ...). Inherited from wibox
x integer The x coordinates. Inherited from wibox
y integer The y coordinates. Inherited from wibox
width integer The width of the wibox. Inherited from wibox
height integer The height of the wibox. Inherited from wibox
screen screen The wibox screen. Inherited from wibox
widget widget or nil The widget that the wibox displays. Inherited from wibox
window string The X window id. Inherited from wibox
shape_bounding surface._native The wibox's bounding shape as a (native) cairo surface. Inherited from wibox
shape_clip surface._native The wibox's clip shape as a (native) cairo surface. Inherited from wibox
shape_input surface._native The wibox's input shape as a (native) cairo surface. Inherited from wibox
shape shape The wibar's shape. Inherited from wibox
input_passthrough boolean Forward the inputs to the client below the wibox. Inherited from wibox
buttons table Get or set mouse buttons bindings to a wibox. Inherited from wibox
bg color The background of the wibox. Inherited from wibox
bgimage image or nil The background image of the drawable. Inherited from wibox
fg color The foreground (text) of the wibox. Inherited from wibox

Object methods

:move_next_to (obj) -> table Move the wibox to a position relative to geo.
:bind_to_widget (widget, button) Bind the popup to a widget button press.
:unbind_to_widget (widget) Unbind the popup from a widget button.
:geometry (geo) -> table Get or set wibox geometry. Inherited from wibox
:struts (struts) -> () Get or set wibox struts. Inherited from wibox
:setup {[args]} Set a declarative widget hierarchy description. Inherited from wibox
:find_widgets (x, y) -> table Find a widget by a point. Inherited from wibox
:to_widget () -> widget Create a widget that reflects the current state of this wibox. Inherited from wibox
:save_to_svg (path, context) Save a screenshot of the wibox to path. Inherited from wibox
:draw (wibox) Redraw a wibox. Inherited from wibox


🔗 awful.popup {[args]}
Create a new popup build around a passed in widget.


Note: This constructors uses named parameters calling convention. It means you call it with {} and omit the parantheses. For example, calling this will all default argument would be awful.popup{}. This is a Lua shortcut syntax equivalent to awful.popup({}). args is only a placeholder name for the "lone table argument" used in named parameters calls.
Name Type(s) Description Default value
args Optional table nil
border_width integer Border width. Not applicable
border_color string Border color. Not applicable
ontop Optional boolean On top of other windows. false
cursor string The mouse cursor. Not applicable
visible boolean Visibility. Not applicable
opacity Optional number The opacity, between 0 and 1. 1
type string The window type (desktop, normal, dock, …). Not applicable
x integer The x coordinates. Not applicable
y integer The y coordinates. Not applicable
width integer The width. Not applicable
height integer The height. Not applicable
screen screen The wibox screen. Not applicable
widget wibox.widget The widget that the wibox displays. Not applicable
shape_bounding The wibox’s bounding shape as a (native) cairo surface. Not applicable
shape_clip The wibox’s clip shape as a (native) cairo surface. Not applicable
shape_input The wibox’s input shape as a (native) cairo surface. Not applicable
bg color The background. Not applicable
bgimage surface The background image of the drawable. Not applicable
fg color The foreground (text) color. Not applicable
shape gears.shape The shape. Not applicable
input_passthrough Optional boolean If the inputs are forward to the element below. false
placement function The awful.placement function Not applicable
preferred_positions string or table Not applicable
preferred_anchors string or table Not applicable
offset table or number The X and Y offset compared to the parent object Not applicable
hide_on_right_click boolean Whether or not to hide the popup on right clicks. Not applicable

Object properties

🔗 preferred_positions table or string · 1 signal

Set the preferred popup position relative to its parent.

This allows, for example, to have a submenu that goes on the right of the parent menu. If there is no space on the right, it tries on the left and so on.

The basic use case for this method is to give it a parent wibox:

for _, v in ipairs {"left", "right", "bottom", "top"} do
    local p2 = awful.popup {
        widget = wibox.widget {
            text   = "On the "..v,
            widget = wibox.widget.textbox
        border_color        = "#777777",
        border_width        = 2,
        preferred_positions = v,
        ontop               = true,

As demonstrated by this second example, it is also possible to use a widget as a parent object:

for _, v in ipairs {"left", "right"} do
    local p2 = awful.popup {
        widget = wibox.widget {
            text = "On the "..v,
            forced_height = 100,
            widget = wibox.widget.textbox
        border_color  = "#0000ff",
        preferred_positions = v,
        border_width  = 2,
    p2:move_next_to(textboxinstance, v)


Default value : { "right", "left", "top", "bottom" }
Type description:
string : A single position with no fallback. It will be used even if it doesn't fit.
table : A list of possible positions. The first one to fit will be used.
Valid values:

See also:

awful.placement.next_to Move a drawable to a relative position next to another one. (awful.placement) static module functions
awful.popup.preferred_anchors Set the preferred popup anchors relative to the parent. object properties

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Emit signals:

  • property::preferred_positions When the preferred_positions value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value preferred_positions The new value affected to the property.
🔗 preferred_anchors table or string · 1 signal

Set the preferred popup anchors relative to the parent.

For details information, see the awful.placement.next_to documentation.

In this example, it is possible to see the effect of having a fallback preferred anchors when the popup would otherwise not fit:

 local p2 = awful.popup {
     widget = wibox.widget {
         text   = "A popup",
         forced_height = 100,
         widget = wibox.widget.textbox
     border_color        = "#777777",
     border_width        = 2,
     preferred_positions = "right",
     preferred_anchors   = {"front", "back"},
 local p4 = awful.popup {
     widget = wibox.widget {
         text   = "A popup2",
         forced_height = 100,
         widget = wibox.widget.textbox
     border_color        = "#777777",
     border_width        = 2,
     preferred_positions = "right",
     preferred_anchors   = {"front", "back"},


Default value : "back"
Type description:
string : A single anchor value with no fallback.
table : A list of possible anchor, the first one has the higher priority, but will fallback if it doesn't fit.
Valid values: : ordered by priority.

See also:

awful.placement.next_to Move a drawable to a relative position next to another one. (awful.placement) static module functions
awful.popup.preferred_positions Set the preferred popup position relative to its parent. object properties

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Emit signals:

  • property::preferred_anchors When the preferred_anchors value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value preferred_anchors The new value affected to the property.
🔗 current_position string · read only
The current position relative to the parent object.

If there is a parent object (widget, wibox, wibar, client or the mouse), then this property returns the current position. This is determined using preferred_positions. It is usually the preferred position, but when there isn't enough space, it can also be one of the fallback.


Default value : This depends on where the popup was displayed.
Valid values:

See also:

awful.popup.preferred_positions Set the preferred popup position relative to its parent. object properties
🔗 current_anchor string · read only
Get the current anchor relative to the parent object.

If there is a parent object (widget, wibox, wibar, client or the mouse), then this property returns the current anchor. The anchor is the "side" of the parent object on which the popup is based on. It will "grow" in the opposite direction from the anchor.


Default value : This depends on where the popup was displayed.
Valid values:

See also:

awful.popup.preferred_anchors Set the preferred popup anchors relative to the parent. object properties
🔗 hide_on_right_click boolean · 1 signal
Hide the popup when right clicked.


Default value : false
Valid values : true or false.

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Emit signals:

  • property::hide_on_right_click When the hide_on_right_click value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value hide_on_right_click The new value affected to the property.
🔗 minimum_width integer · 1 signal
The popup minimum width.


Default value : 1
Unit : pixel
Minimum value : 1

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Emit signals:

  • property::minimum_width When the minimum_width value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value minimum_width The new value affected to the property.
🔗 minimum_height integer · 1 signal
The popup minimum height.


Default value : 1
Unit : pixel
Minimum value : 1

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Emit signals:

  • property::minimum_height When the minimum_height value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value minimum_height The new value affected to the property.
🔗 maximum_width integer · 1 signal
The popup maximum width.


Default value : 1
Unit : pixel
Minimum value : 1

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Emit signals:

  • property::maximum_width When the maximum_width value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value maximum_width The new value affected to the property.
🔗 maximum_height integer · 1 signal
The popup maximum height.


Default value : 1
Unit : pixel
Minimum value : 1

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Emit signals:

  • property::maximum_height When the maximum_height value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value maximum_height The new value affected to the property.
🔗 offset table or integer · 1 signal

The distance between the popup and its parent (if any).

Here is an example of 5 popups stacked one below the other with an y axis offset (spacing).

local previous = nil
for i=1, 5 do
    local p2 = awful.popup {
        widget = wibox.widget {
            text   = "Hello world!  "..i.."  aaaa.",
            widget = wibox.widget.textbox
        border_color        = beautiful.border_color,
        preferred_positions = "bottom",
        border_width        = 2,
        preferred_anchors   = "back",
        placement           = (not previous) and or nil,
        offset = {
             y = 10,
    previous = p2


Default value : 0
Type description:
integer : A value for both x and y simultaneously.
table: : Specify values for x and y individually.
x (integer) : The horizontal offset.
y (integer) : The vertical offset.
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : true

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Emit signals:

  • property::offset When the offset value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value offset The new value affected to the property.
🔗 placement placement or string or boolean · 1 signal
Set the placement function.


Default value : awful.placement.next_to
Type description:
boolean : Use false to disable automatic placement.
string : The name of an awful.placement function, like "next_to".
function: : A custom callback to generate and set the geometry.
Function prototype:
obj (object) : Any object with a geometry property or method.
args (table) : The placement arguments. See awful.placement for a complete list.
Return (table) : A table with an x, y, width and height keys.
placement : Any of the awful.placement function or constructs.

See also:

awful.placement Algorithms used to place various drawables. module

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Emit signals:

  • property::placement When the placement value changes.
    • self awful.popup The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value placement The new value affected to the property.
🔗 border_width integer · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
Border width.


Default value : 0
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : false

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Emit signals:

  • property::border_width When the border_width value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 border_color string · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal

Border color.

Please note that this property only support string based 24 bit or 32 bit colors:

Red Blue
 _|  _|

Red Blue
 _|  _|
   T‾  ‾T
Green   Alpha


Default value : beautiful.fg_normal

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Emit signals:

  • property::border_color When the border_color value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
🔗 ontop boolean · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
On top of other windows.


Default value : false
Valid values : true or false.

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Emit signals:

  • property::ontop When the ontop value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 cursor string or nil · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The mouse cursor.


Default value : nil
Type description:
nil : Do not change the mouse cursor.

See also:

mouse Manipulate and inspect the mouse cursor. module

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Emit signals:

  • property::cursor When the cursor value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 visible boolean · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal


Default value : false
Valid values : true or false.

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Emit signals:

  • property::visible When the visible value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 opacity number · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The opacity of the wibox, between 0 and 1.


Default value : true
Minimum value : 0.0
Maximum value : 1.0

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Emit signals:

  • property::opacity When the opacity value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 type string · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The window type (desktop, normal, dock, ...).


Default value : \"\"

See also:

client.type The window type. (client) object properties

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Emit signals:

  • property::type When the type value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 x integer · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The x coordinates.


Default value : 0
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : true

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Emit signals:

  • property::x When the x value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 y integer · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The y coordinates.


Default value : 0
Unit : pixel
Negative allowed : true

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Emit signals:

  • property::y When the y value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 width integer · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The width of the wibox.


Default value : 1
Unit : pixel
Minimum value : 1
Negative allowed : false

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Emit signals:

  • property::width When the width value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 height integer · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The height of the wibox.


Default value : 1
Unit : pixel
Minimum value : 1
Negative allowed : false

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Emit signals:

  • property::height When the height value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 screen screen · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The wibox screen.


Default value : The screen which contains 0x0.
Type description:
screen : A valid screen object such as retured by awful.screen.focused() or mouse.screen.
integer : A screen global id. Avoid using this since they are unsorted.
string : The "primary" value is also valid.

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Emit signals:

  • property::screen When the screen value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value screen The new value affected to the property.
🔗 widget widget or nil · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The widget that the wibox displays.


Default value : nil

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Emit signals:

  • property::widget When the widget value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value widget The new value affected to the property.
🔗 window string · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The X window id.


Default value : Autogenerated.

See also:

client.window The X window id. (client) object properties

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Emit signals:

  • property::window When the window value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 shape_bounding surface._native · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The wibox's bounding shape as a (native) cairo surface.

If you want to set a shape, let say some rounded corners, use the shape property rather than this. If you want something very complex, for example, holes, then use this.


Default value : Fill all pixels.

See also:

shape The wibar's shape. object properties

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Emit signals:

  • property::shape_bounding When the shape_bounding value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 shape_clip surface._native · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The wibox's clip shape as a (native) cairo surface.

The clip shape is the shape of the window content rather than the outer window shape.


Default value : Fill all pixels.

See also:

shape The wibar's shape. object properties

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Emit signals:

  • property::shape_clip When the shape_clip value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 shape_input surface._native · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The wibox's input shape as a (native) cairo surface.

The input shape allows to disable clicks and mouse events on part of the window. This is how input_passthrough is implemented.


Default value : Fill all pixels.

See also:

input_passthrough Forward the inputs to the client below the wibox. object properties

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Emit signals:

  • property::shape_input When the shape_input value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 shape shape · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The wibar's shape.


Default value : gears.shape.rectangle
Type description:
gears.shape : Like
function: : This can be used for custom shapes or to set parameters of existing shapes.
Function prototype:
cr (cairo.context) : A Cairo context
width (number) : The area width.
height (number) : The area height.
Return : The function returns nothing.

See also:

gears.shape Module dedicated to gather common shape painters. module

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Emit signals:

  • property::shape When the shape value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value shape The new value affected to the property.
🔗 input_passthrough boolean · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
Forward the inputs to the client below the wibox.

This replace the shape_input mask with an empty area. All mouse and keyboard events are sent to the object (such as a client) positioned below this wibox. When used alongside compositing, it allows, for example, to have a subtle transparent wibox on top a fullscreen client to display important data such as a low battery warning.


Default value : false
Valid values : true or false.

See also:

shape_input The wibox's input shape as a (native) cairo surface. object properties

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Emit signals:

  • property::input_passthrough When the input_passthrough value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value input_passthrough The new value affected to the property.
🔗 buttons table · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
Get or set mouse buttons bindings to a wibox.


Default value : {}
Table content : A list of awful.buttons.
Valid values : A table of buttons objects, or nothing.

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Emit signals:

  • property::buttons When the buttons value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
🔗 bg color · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The background of the wibox.

The background color can be transparent. If there is a compositing manager such as compton, then it will be real transparency and may include blur (provided by the compositor). When there is no compositor, it will take a picture of the wallpaper and blend it.


Default value : beautiful.bg_normal
Type description:
string : An hexadecimal color code, such as "#ff0000" for red.
string : A color name, such as "red".
table : A gradient table.
cairo.pattern : Any valid Cairo pattern.
cairo.pattern : A texture build from an image by gears.color.create_png_pattern
Valid values : The background to use. This must either be a cairo pattern object, nil or a string that gears.color() understands.

See also:

gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module

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Emit signals:

  • property::bg When the bg value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value bg The new value affected to the property.

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.bg_normalThe default (fallback) bg color.
🔗 bgimage image or nil · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
The background image of the drawable.

If image is a function, it will be called with (context, cr, width, height) as arguments. Any other arguments passed to this method will be appended.


Default value : nil
Type description:
string : Interpreted as a path to an image file.
string : A valid SVG content.
cairo : A cairo image surface: Directly used as-is.
librsvg : A librsvg handle object: Directly used as-is.
nil : Unset the image.

See also:

gears.surface Utilities to integrate and manipulate Cairo drawing surfaces. module

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Emit signals:

  • property::bgimage When the bgimage value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value bgimage The new value affected to the property.
🔗 fg color · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal · 1 theme variable
The foreground (text) of the wibox.


Default value : beautiful.fg_normal
Type description:
string : An hexadecimal color code, such as "#ff0000" for red.
string : A color name, such as "red".
table : A gradient table.
cairo.pattern : Any valid Cairo pattern.
cairo.pattern : A texture build from an image by gears.color.create_png_pattern

See also:

gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module

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Emit signals:

  • property::fg When the fg value changes.
    • self wibox The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value fg The new value affected to the property.

Consumed theme variables:

Theme variable Usage
beautiful.fg_normalThe default (fallback) fg color.

Object methods

🔗 :move_next_to (obj) -> table
Move the wibox to a position relative to geo. This will try to avoid overlapping the source wibox and auto-detect the right direction to avoid going off-screen.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
obj Optional An object such as a wibox, client or a table entry returned by wibox:find_widgets(). mouse


    table The new geometry

See also:

awful.placement.next_to Move a drawable to a relative position next to another one. (awful.placement) static module functions
awful.popup.preferred_positions Set the preferred popup position relative to its parent. object properties
awful.popup.preferred_anchors Set the preferred popup anchors relative to the parent. object properties
🔗 :bind_to_widget (widget, button)
Bind the popup to a widget button press.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
widget widget The widget Not applicable
button Optional number The button index 1
🔗 :unbind_to_widget (widget)
Unbind the popup from a widget button.


Name Type(s) Description
widget widget
🔗 :geometry (geo) -> table · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
Get or set wibox geometry. That's the same as accessing or setting the x, y, width or height properties of a wibox.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
geo Optional table or nil A table with coordinates to modify. If nothing is specified, it only returns the current geometry. nil


    table A table with wibox coordinates and geometry.

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Emit signals:

  • property::geometry When the geometry change.
    • geo table The geometry table.
🔗 :struts (struts) -> () · Inherited from wibox · 1 signal
Get or set wibox struts.

Struts are the area which should be reserved on each side of the screen for this wibox. This is used to make bars and docked displays. Note that awful.wibar implements all the required boilerplate code to make bar. Only use this if you want special type of bars (like bars not fully attached to the side of the screen).


Name Type(s) Description
struts table A table with new strut, or nothing.


    The wibox strut in a table.

See also:

client.struts Return client struts (reserved space at the edge of the screen). (client) object methods

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::struts
🔗 :setup {[args]} · Inherited from wibox
Set a declarative widget hierarchy description. See The declarative layout system


Name Type(s) Description
args An array containing the widgets disposition
🔗 :find_widgets (x, y) -> table · Inherited from wibox
Find a widget by a point. The wibox must have drawn itself at least once for this to work.


Name Type(s) Description
x number X coordinate of the point
y number Y coordinate of the point


    table A sorted table of widgets positions. The first element is the biggest container while the last is the topmost widget. The table contains x, y, width, height and widget.
🔗 :to_widget () -> widget · Inherited from wibox
Create a widget that reflects the current state of this wibox.


    widget A new widget.
🔗 :save_to_svg (path, context) · Inherited from wibox
Save a screenshot of the wibox to path.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
path string The path. Not applicable
context Optional table A widget context. nil
🔗 :draw (wibox) · Inherited from wibox
Redraw a wibox. You should never have to call this explicitely because it is automatically called when needed.


Name Type(s) Description
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