Module: awful.prompt
Convert a wibox.widget.textbox into an input prompt.
Keyboard navigation:
The following readline keyboard shortcuts are implemented as expected:
Name | Usage |
CTRL+A | beginning-of-line |
CTRL+B | backward-char |
CTRL+C | cancel |
CTRL+D | delete-char |
CTRL+E | end-of-line |
CTRL+J | accept-line |
CTRL+M | accept-line |
CTRL+F | move-cursor-right |
CTRL+H | backward-delete-char |
CTRL+K | kill-line |
CTRL+U | unix-line-discard |
CTRL+W | unix-word-rubout |
CTRL+BACKSPACE | unix-word-rubout |
SHIFT+INSERT | paste |
HOME | beginning-of-line |
END | end-of-line |
The following shortcuts implement additional history manipulation commands where the search term is defined as the substring of the command from first character to cursor position.
- CTRL+R: reverse history search, matches any history entry containing search term.
- CTRL+S: forward history search, matches any history entry containing search term.
- CTRL+UP: ZSH up line or search, matches any history entry starting with search term.
- CTRL+DOWN: ZSH down line or search, matches any history entry starting with search term.
- CTRL+DELETE: delete the currently visible history entry from history file. This does not delete new commands or history entries under user editing.
Basic usage:
By default, rc.lua will create one awful.widget.prompt per screen called
. It is used for both the command execution (mod4+r
) and
Lua prompt (mod4+x
). It can be re-used for random inputs using:
local atextbox = wibox.widget.textbox() -- Create a shortcut function local function echo_test() { prompt = "<b>Echo: </b>", text = "default command", bg_cursor = "#ff0000", -- To use the default rc.lua prompt: --textbox = mouse.screen.mypromptbox.widget, textbox = atextbox, exe_callback = function(input) if not input or #input == 0 then return end naughty.notification { message = "The input was: "..input } end } end -- Then **IN THE globalkeys TABLE** add a new shortcut awful.key({ modkey }, "e", echo_test, {description = "Echo a string", group = "custom"}),
Note that this assumes an rc.lua file based on the default one. The way to access the screen prompt may vary.
Extra key hooks:
The Awesome prompt also supports adding custom extensions to specific keyboard keybindings. Those keybindings have precedence over the built-in ones. Therefore, they can be used to override the default ones.
*[Example one] Adding pre-configured awful.spawn commands:*
local atextbox = wibox.widget.textbox()
-- Custom handler for the return value. This implementation does nothing,
-- but you might want be notified of the failure, so it is part of this
-- example.
local function clear(result)
atextbox.widget.text =
type(result) == "string" and result or ""
local hooks = {
-- Replace the "normal" Return
with a custom one
{{ }, "Return", awful.spawn},
-- Spawn method to spawn in the current tag
{{"Mod1" }, "Return", function(command)
tag = mouse.screen.selected_tag
-- Spawn in the current tag as floating and on top
{{"Shift" }, "Return", function(command)
ontop = true,
floating = true,
tag = mouse.screen.selected_tag
-- Spawn in a new tag
{{"Control"}, "Return", function(command)
new_tag = true
-- Cancel
{{ }, "Escape", function(_)
} {
prompt = "<b>Run: </b>",
hooks = hooks,
textbox = atextbox,
history_path = gfs.get_cache_dir() .. "/history",
done_callback = clear,
[Example two] Modifying the command (+ vi like input):
The hook system also allows to modify the command before interpreting it in the exe_callback.
local atextbox = wibox.widget.textbox() -- Store a list of verbs characters in a hash local verbs = { -- Spawn in a terminal t = function(adjs, count, cmd) return {terminal, "-e", cmd} end, --luacheck: no unused args -- Spawn with a shell s = function(adjs, count, cmd) return {, '-c', cmd} end, --luacheck: no unused args } local function vi_parse(action, command) local req, ret = {count={}, adjectives={}} -- Quite dumb, don't do something like <num>+<adj>+<num>+<verb> for char in action:gmatch('(.)') do if tonumber(char) then table.insert(req.count, char) elseif verbs[char] then req.verb = char else table.insert(ret.adjectives, char) end if req.verb then req.count = tonumber(table.concat(req.count)) or 1 ret = ret or verbs[req.verb](req.adjectives, req.count, command) req = {count={}, adjectives={}} end end return ret end { prompt = '<b>Run: </b>', hooks = { {{},'Return', function(cmd) if (not cmd) or cmd:sub(1,1) ~= ':' then return cmd end local act, cmd2 = cmd:gmatch(':([a-zA-Z1-9]+)[ ]+(.*)')() if not act then return cmd end return vi_parse(act, cmd2) end}, }, textbox = atextbox, history_path = gfs.get_cache_dir() .. '/history', exe_callback = function(cmd) awful.spawn(cmd) end }
[Example three] Key listener:
The 2 previous examples were focused on changing the prompt behavior. This one explains how to "spy" on the prompt events. This can be used for
- Implementing more complex mutator
- Synchronising other widgets
- Showing extra tips to the user
local atextbox = wibox.widget.textbox() local notif = nil { prompt = "<b>Run: </b>", keypressed_callback = function(mod, key, cmd) --luacheck: no unused args if key == "Shift_L" then notif = naughty.notification { message = "Shift pressed" } end end, keyreleased_callback = function(mod, key, cmd) --luacheck: no unused args if notif then naughty.destroy(notif) notif = nil end end, textbox = atextbox, history_path = gfs.get_cache_dir() .. "/history", }
The prompt also support custom highlighters:
local amp = "&"..string.char(0x3B) local quot = """..string.char(0x3B) local atextbox = wibox.widget.textbox() -- Create a shortcut function local function echo_test() { prompt = "<b>Echo: </b>", bg_cursor = "#ff0000", -- To use the default rc.lua prompt: --textbox = mouse.screen.mypromptbox.widget, textbox = atextbox, highlighter = function(b, a) -- Add a random marker to delimitate the cursor local cmd = b.."ZZZCURSORZZZ"..a -- Find shell variables local sub = "<span foreground='#CFBA5D'>%1</span>" cmd = cmd:gsub("($[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)", sub) -- Highlight " && " sub = "<span foreground='#159040'>%1</span>" cmd = cmd:gsub("( "..amp..amp..")", sub) -- Highlight double quotes local quote_pos = cmd:find("[^\\]"..quot) while quote_pos do local old_pos = quote_pos quote_pos = cmd:find("[^\\]"..quot, old_pos+2) if quote_pos then local content = cmd:sub(old_pos+1, quote_pos+6) cmd = table.concat({ cmd:sub(1, old_pos), "<span foreground='#2977CF'>", content, "</span>", cmd:sub(quote_pos+7, #cmd) }, "") quote_pos = cmd:find("[^\\]"..quot, old_pos+38) end end -- Split the string back to the original content -- (ignore the recursive and escaped ones) local pos = cmd:find("ZZZCURSORZZZ") b,a = cmd:sub(1, pos-1), cmd:sub(pos+12, #cmd) return b,a end, } end
- Copyright: 2008 Julien Danjou
Originally authored by: Julien Danjou <[email protected]>
(Full contributors list available on our github project)
Static module functions (args, textbox, exe_callback, completion_callback, history_path, history_max, done_callback, changed_callback, keypressed_callback) | Run a prompt in a box. |
Theme variables
beautiful.prompt_fg_cursor | color | The prompt cursor foreground color. | |
beautiful.prompt_bg_cursor | color | The prompt cursor background color. | |
beautiful.prompt_font | string | The prompt text font. |
Callback functions prototype
exe_callback (command) | The callback function to call with command as argument when finished. | |
completion_callback (command_before_comp, cur_pos_before_comp, ncomp) | The callback function to get completions. | |
done_callback () | The callback function to always call without arguments, regardless of whether the prompt was cancelled. | |
changed_callback (command) | The callback function to call with command as argument when a command was changed. | |
keypressed_callback (mod, key, command) | The callback function to call with mod table, key and command as arguments when a key was pressed. | |
keyreleased_callback (mod, key, command) | The callback function to call with mod table, key and command as arguments when a key was released. | |
highlighter (before_cursor, after_cursor) | A function to add syntax highlighting to the command. | |
hook (command) | A callback when a key combination is triggered. |
Static module functions
- 🔗 (args, textbox, exe_callback, completion_callback, history_path, history_max, done_callback, changed_callback, keypressed_callback)
Run a prompt in a box.
Name Type(s) Description args Optional table A table with optional arguments fg_cursor Optional gears.color bg_cursor Optional gears.color ul_cursor Optional gears.color prompt Optional widget text Optional string selectall Optional boolean font Optional string autoexec Optional boolean textbox widget The textbox to use for the prompt. highlighter Optional function A function to add syntax highlighting to the command. exe_callback function The callback function to call with command as argument when finished. completion_callback function The callback function to call to get completion. history_path Optional string File path where the history should be saved, set nil to disable history history_max Optional function Set the maximum entries in history file, 50 by default done_callback Optional function The callback function to always call without arguments, regardless of whether the prompt was cancelled. changed_callback Optional function The callback function to call with command as argument when a command was changed. keypressed_callback Optional function The callback function to call with mod table, key and command as arguments when a key was pressed. keyreleased_callback Optional function The callback function to call with mod table, key and command as arguments when a key was pressed. hooks Optional table The "hooks" argument uses a syntax similar to awful.key. It will call a function for the matching modifiers + key. It receives the command (widget text/input) as an argument. If the callback returns a command, this will be passed to the exe_callback, otherwise nothing gets executed by default, and the hook needs to handle it.
hooks = { -- Apply startup notification properties with Shift-Return. {{"Shift" }, "Return", function(command) awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox:spawn_and_handle_error( command, {floating=true}) end}, -- Override default behavior of "Return": launch commands prefixed -- with ":" in a terminal. {{}, "Return", function(command) if command:sub(1,1) == ":" then return terminal .. ' -e ' .. command:sub(2) end return command end} }
textbox wibox.widget.textbox The textbox to use for the prompt. [DEPRECATED] exe_callback Optional function or nil The callback function to call with command as argument when finished. [DEPRECATED] completion_callback Optional function The callback function to call to get completion. [DEPRECATED] history_path Optional string File path where the history should be saved, set nil to disable history [DEPRECATED] history_max Optional number Set the maximum entries in history file, 50 by default [DEPRECATED] done_callback Optional function The callback function to always call without arguments, regardless of whether the prompt was cancelled. [DEPRECATED] changed_callback Optional function The callback function to call with command as argument when a command was changed. [DEPRECATED] keypressed_callback Optional function The callback function to call with mod table, key and command as arguments when a key was pressed. [DEPRECATED] See also:
gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module
Theme variables
- 🔗 beautiful.prompt_fg_cursor color
The prompt cursor foreground color.
See also:
gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module
Click to display more Used by:
- awful.widget.prompt Create a prompt widget which will launch a command.
- awful.widget.prompt Create a prompt widget which will launch a command.
- 🔗 beautiful.prompt_bg_cursor color
The prompt cursor background color.
See also:
gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. module
Click to display more Used by:
- awful.widget.prompt Create a prompt widget which will launch a command.
- awful.widget.prompt Create a prompt widget which will launch a command.
- 🔗 beautiful.prompt_font string
The prompt text font.
See also:
Click to display more Used by:
- awful.widget.prompt Create a prompt widget which will launch a command.
- awful.widget.prompt Create a prompt widget which will launch a command.
Callback functions prototype
- 🔗 exe_callback (command)
The callback function to call with command as argument when finished.
Name Type(s) Description command string The command (as entered). Usage:
local function my_exe_cb(command) -- do something end
- 🔗 completion_callback (command_before_comp, cur_pos_before_comp, ncomp)
The callback function to get completions.
Name Type(s) Description command_before_comp string The current command. cur_pos_before_comp number The current cursor position. ncomp number The number of the currently completed element. Usage:
local function my_completion_cb(command_before_comp, cur_pos_before_comp, ncomp) return command_before_comp.."foo", cur_pos_before_comp+3, 1 end
- 🔗 done_callback ()
The callback function to always call without arguments, regardless of
whether the prompt was cancelled.
local function my_done_cb() -- do something end
- 🔗 changed_callback (command)
The callback function to call with command as argument when a command was
Name Type(s) Description command string The current command. Usage:
local function my_changed_cb(command) -- do something end
- 🔗 keypressed_callback (mod, key, command)
The callback function to call with mod table, key and command as arguments
when a key was pressed.
Name Type(s) Description mod table The current modifiers (like "Control" or "Shift"). key string The key name. command string The current command. Usage:
local function my_keypressed_cb(mod, key, command) -- do something end
- 🔗 keyreleased_callback (mod, key, command)
The callback function to call with mod table, key and command as arguments
when a key was released.
Name Type(s) Description mod table The current modifiers (like "Control" or "Shift"). key string The key name. command string The current command. Usage:
local function my_keyreleased_cb(mod, key, command) -- do something end
- 🔗 highlighter (before_cursor, after_cursor)
A function to add syntax highlighting to the command.
Name Type(s) Description before_cursor string after_cursor string Usage:
local function my_highlighter(before_cursor, after_cursor) -- do something return before_cursor, after_cursor end
- 🔗 hook (command)
A callback when a key combination is triggered.
This callback can return many things:
- a modified command
If the command is successful (then it won't exit)- nothing or
to execute the exe_callback and done_callback and exit
An optional second return value controls if the prompt should exit or simply update the command (from the first return value) and keep going. The default is to execute the exe_callback and done_callback before exiting.
Name Type(s) Description command string The current command. Usage:
local function my_hook(command) return command.."foo", false end