Module mouse

awesome mouse API.

The mouse buttons are represented as index. The common ones are:

Client geometry

It is possible to be notified of mouse events by connecting to various client, widgets and wibox signals:

  • mouse::enter
  • mouse::leave
  • mouse::press
  • mouse::release
  • mouse::move

It is also possible to add generic mouse button callbacks for clients, wiboxes and the root window. Those are set in the default rc.lua as such:


    awful.button({ }, 3, function () mymainmenu:toggle() end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)


clientbuttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (c) client.focus = c; c:raise() end),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.mouse.client.move),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.mouse.client.resize)

See also mousegrabber


  • Copyright: 2008-2009 Julien Danjou
  • Author: Julien Danjou <>


object_under_pointer () Get the client or any object which is under the pointer.
awful.mouse.client.move (c, snap, finished_cb) Move a client.
awful.mouse.wibox.move (w) Move the wibox under the cursor.
awful.mouse.client.resize (c, corner[, args={}]) Resize a client.
coords ([coords_table=nil[, silent=nil]]) Get or set the mouse coords.

Object properties

screen The screen under the cursor
current_client Get the client currently under the mouse cursor.
current_wibox Get the wibox currently under the mouse cursor.
current_widgets Get the widgets currently under the mouse cursor.
current_widget Get the topmost widget currently under the mouse cursor.
current_widget_geometry Get the current widget geometry.
current_widget_geometries Get the current widget geometries.
is_left_mouse_button_pressed True if the left mouse button is pressed.
is_right_mouse_button_pressed True if the right mouse button is pressed.
is_middle_mouse_button_pressed True if the middle mouse button is pressed.

Request handlers

awful.mouse.resize_handler Default handler for request::geometry signals with “mouse.resize” context.

Theme variables

beautiful.snap_bg The snap outline background color.
beautiful.snap_border_width The snap outline width.
beautiful.snap_shape The snap outline shape.
beautiful.snapper_gap The gap between snapped contents.

Deprecated functions

awful.mouse.client_under_pointer [deprecated] Get the client object under the pointer.
awful.mouse.client.dragtotag.border [deprecated] Move a client to a tag by dragging it onto the left / right side of the screen.
awful.mouse.client.corner [deprecated] Get a client corner coordinates.


awful.mouse.snap.default_distance The default snap distance.
awful.mouse.snap.edge_enabled Enable screen edges snapping.
awful.mouse.snap.client_enabled Enable client to client snapping.
awful.mouse.drag_to_tag.enabled Enable changing tag when a client is dragged to the edge of the screen.

lib.awful.mouse.resize Functions

beautiful.cursor_mouse_resize The resize cursor name.
beautiful.cursor_mouse_move The move cursor name.
awful.mouse.resize.set_mode (m) Set the resize mode.
awful.mouse.resize.add_enter_callback (cb, context) Add an initialization callback.
awful.mouse.resize.add_move_callback (cb, context) Add a “move” callback.
awful.mouse.resize.add_leave_callback (cb, context) Add a “leave” callback This callback is executed just before the mousegrabber stop
awful.mouse.resize (client, context[, args={}]) Resize the drawable.

lib.awful.mouse.snap Functions

awful.mouse.snap (c, snap, x, y, fixed_x, fixed_y) Snap a client to the closest client or screen edge.


object_under_pointer ()
Get the client or any object which is under the pointer.


    client.object or nil A client or nil.
awful.mouse.client.move (c, snap, finished_cb)
Move a client.
  • c The client to move, or the focused one if nil.
  • snap The pixel to snap clients.
  • finished_cb Deprecated, do not use
awful.mouse.wibox.move (w)
Move the wibox under the cursor.
  • w wibox The wibox to move, or none to use that under the pointer
awful.mouse.client.resize (c, corner[, args={}])
Resize a client.
  • c The client to resize, or the focused one by default.
  • corner string The corner to grab on resize. Auto detected by default.
  • args table A set of awful.placement arguments (default {})


    string The corner (or side) name
coords ([coords_table=nil[, silent=nil]])

Get or set the mouse coords.

Usage example

Usage example output:

  • coords_table None or a table with x and y keys as mouse coordinates.
    • x integer The mouse horizontal position (default nil)
    • y integer The mouse vertical position (default nil)
  • silent boolean Disable mouse::enter or mouse::leave events that could be triggered by the pointer when moving. (default false)


  1. integer table.x The horizontal position
  2. integer table.y The vertical position
  3. table table.buttons Table containing the status of buttons, e.g. field [1] is true when button 1 is pressed.


    -- Get the position
    -- Change the position
    mouse.coords {
        x = 185,
        y = 10

Object properties

The screen under the cursor


  • screen
Get the client currently under the mouse cursor.


Get the wibox currently under the mouse cursor.


Get the widgets currently under the mouse cursor.


  • list nil or table The widget list
Get the topmost widget currently under the mouse cursor.


  • widget widget or nil The widget

See also:

Get the current widget geometry.


  • The optional table geometry.

See also:

Get the current widget geometries.


  • A optional table list of geometry tables.

See also:

True if the left mouse button is pressed.


  • boolean
True if the right mouse button is pressed.


  • boolean
True if the middle mouse button is pressed.


  • boolean

Request handlers

Default handler for request::geometry signals with “mouse.resize” context.


  • c client The client
  • context string The context
  • hints table The hints to pass to the handler (default {})

Theme variables

The snap outline background color.


  • color color, string, gradient or pattern
The snap outline width.


  • integer
The snap outline shape.


The gap between snapped contents.


  • default: number 0)

Deprecated functions

awful.mouse.client_under_pointer [deprecated]
Get the client object under the pointer.

See also:

awful.mouse.client.dragtotag.border [deprecated]
Move a client to a tag by dragging it onto the left / right side of the screen.


  • c The client to move
awful.mouse.client.corner [deprecated]
Get a client corner coordinates.


  • c client The client to get corner from, focused one by default. (default client.focus)
  • corner string The corner to use: auto, top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right, left, right, top bottom. Default is auto, and auto find the nearest corner.


The default snap distance.
  • default_distance integer (default 8)

See also:

Enable screen edges snapping.
Enable client to client snapping.
Enable changing tag when a client is dragged to the edge of the screen.

lib.awful.mouse.resize Functions

The resize cursor name.


  • cursor string (default cross)
The move cursor name.


  • cursor string (default fleur)
awful.mouse.resize.set_mode (m)
Set the resize mode. The available modes are:

  • live: Resize the layout everytime the mouse moves.
  • after: Resize the layout only when the mouse is released.

Some clients, such as XTerm, may lose information if resized too often.

awful.mouse.resize.add_enter_callback (cb, context)
Add an initialization callback. This callback will be executed before the mouse grabbing starts.
  • cb function The callback (or nil)
  • context string The callback context
awful.mouse.resize.add_move_callback (cb, context)
Add a “move” callback. This callback is executed in “after” mode (see set_mode) instead of applying the operation.
  • cb function The callback (or nil)
  • context string The callback context
awful.mouse.resize.add_leave_callback (cb, context)
Add a “leave” callback This callback is executed just before the mousegrabber stop
  • cb function The callback (or nil)
  • context string The callback context
awful.mouse.resize (client, context[, args={}])

Resize the drawable.

Valid args are:

  • enter_callback: A function called before the mousegrabber starts.
  • move_callback: A function called when the mouse moves.
  • leave_callback: A function called before the mousegrabber is released.
  • mode: The resize mode.

lib.awful.mouse.snap Functions

awful.mouse.snap (c, snap, x, y, fixed_x, fixed_y)
Snap a client to the closest client or screen edge.
  • c The client to snap.
  • snap The pixel to snap clients.
  • x The client x coordinate.
  • y The client y coordinate.
  • fixed_x True if the client isn’t allowed to move in the x direction.
  • fixed_y True if the client isn’t allowed to move in the y direction.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-09-28 18:14:15