Module awful.rules

Rules for clients.

This module applies rules to clients during startup (via client.manage, but its functions can be used for client matching in general.

All existing client properties can be used in rules. It is also possible to add random properties that will be later accessible as c.property_name (where c is a valid client object)


You should fill this table with your rule and properties to apply. For example, if you want to set xterm maximized at startup, you can add:

{ rule = { class = "xterm" },
  properties = { maximized_vertical = true, maximized_horizontal = true } }

If you want to set mplayer floating at startup, you can add:

{ rule = { name = "MPlayer" },
  properties = { floating = true } }

If you want to put Firefox on a specific tag at startup, you can add:

{ rule = { instance = "firefox" },
  properties = { tag = mytagobject } }

Alternatively, you can specify the tag by name:

{ rule = { instance = "firefox" },
  properties = { tag = "3" } }

If you want to put Thunderbird on a specific screen at startup, use:

{ rule = { instance = "Thunderbird" },
  properties = { screen = 1 } }

Assuming that your X11 server supports the RandR extension, you can also specify the screen by name:

{ rule = { instance = "Thunderbird" },
  properties = { screen = "VGA1" } }

If you want to put Emacs on a specific tag at startup, and immediately switch to that tag you can add:

{ rule = { class = "Emacs" },
  properties = { tag = mytagobject, switchtotag = true } }

If you want to apply a custom callback to execute when a rule matched, for example to pause playing music from mpd when you start dosbox, you can add:

{ rule = { class = "dosbox" },
  callback = function(c)
     awful.spawn('mpc pause')
  end }

Note that all “rule” entries need to match. If any of the entry does not match, the rule won’t be applied.

If a client matches multiple rules, they are applied in the order they are put in this global rules table. If the value of a rule is a string, then the match function is used to determine if the client matches the rule.

If the value of a property is a function, that function gets called and function’s return value is used for the property.

To match multiple clients to a rule one need to use slightly different syntax:

{ rule_any = { class = { "MPlayer", "Nitrogen" }, instance = { "xterm" } },
  properties = { floating = true } }

To match multiple clients with an exception one can couple rules.except or rules.except_any with the rules:

{ rule = { class = "Firefox" },
  except = { instance = "Navigator" },
  properties = {floating = true},

{ rule_any = { class = { "Pidgin", "Xchat" } },
  except_any = { role = { "conversation" } },
  properties = { tag = "1" }

{ rule = {},
  except_any = { class = { "Firefox", "Vim" } },
  properties = { floating = true }

Applicable client properties

The table below holds the list of default client properties along with some extra properties that are specific to the rules. Note that any property can be set in the rules and interpreted by user provided code. This table only represent those offered by default.

Name Description
placementThe client default placement on the screen
honor\_paddingWhen applying the placement, honor the screen padding
honor\_workareaWhen applying the placement, honor the screen work area
tagThe client default tag
tagsThe client default tags
new\_tagCreate a new tag for this client
switch\_to\_tagsUnselect the current tags and select this client tags
focusDefine if the client should grab focus by default
titlebars\_enabledShould this client have a titlebar by default
callbackA function to call when this client is ready
markedIf a client is marked or not
is\_fixedReturn if a client has a fixed size or not
immobilizedIs the client immobilized horizontally?
immobilizedIs the client immobilized vertically?
floatingThe client floating state
xThe x coordinates
yThe y coordinates
widthThe width of the client
heightThe height of the client
dockableIf the client is dockable
requests\_no\_titlebarIf the client requests not to be decorated with a titlebar
shapeSet the client shape
windowThe X window id
nameThe client title
skip\_taskbarTrue if the client does not want to be in taskbar
typeThe window type
classThe client class
instanceThe client instance
pidThe client PID, if available
roleThe window role, if available
machineThe machine client is running on
icon\_nameThe client name when iconified
iconThe client icon as a surface
icon\_sizesThe available sizes of client icons
screenClient screen
hiddenDefine if the client must be hidden, i
minimizedDefine it the client must be iconify, i
size\_hints\_honorHonor size hints, e
border\_widthThe client border width
border\_colorThe client border color
urgentThe client urgent state
contentA cairo surface for the client window content
opacityThe client opacity
ontopThe client is on top of every other windows
aboveThe client is above normal windows
belowThe client is below normal windows
fullscreenThe client is fullscreen or not
maximizedThe client is maximized (horizontally and vertically) or not
maximized\_horizontalThe client is maximized horizontally or not
maximized\_verticalThe client is maximized vertically or not
transient\_forThe client the window is transient for
group\_windowWindow identification unique to a group of windows
leader\_windowIdentification unique to windows spawned by the same command
size\_hintsA table with size hints of the client
motif\_wm\_hintsThe motif WM hints of the client
stickySet the client sticky, i
modalIndicate if the client is modal
focusableTrue if the client can receive the input focus
shape\_boundingThe client's bounding shape as set by awesome as a (native) cairo surface
shape\_clipThe client's clip shape as set by awesome as a (native) cairo surface
shape\_inputThe client's input shape as set by awesome as a (native) cairo surface
client\_shape\_boundingThe client's bounding shape as set by the program as a (native) cairo surface
client\_shape\_clipThe client's clip shape as set by the program as a (native) cairo surface
startup\_idThe FreeDesktop StartId
validIf the client that this object refers to is still managed by awesome
first\_tagThe first tag of the client



match (c, rule) Check if a client matches a rule.
match_any (c, rule) Check if a client matches any part of a rule.
matches (c, entry) Does a given rule entry match a client?
matching_rules (c, _rules) Get list of matching rules for a client.
matches_list (c, _rules) Check if a client matches a given set of rules.
add_rule_source (name, callback, depends_on, precede) Add a new rule source.
remove_rule_source (name) Remove a source.
apply (c) Apply awful.rules.rules to a client.
execute (c, props[, callbacks]) Apply properties and callbacks to a client.

Rule sources

awful.rules The default awful.rules source.
awful.spawn The rule source for clients spawned by awful.spawn.
awful.spawn_once The rule source for clients spawned by awful.spawn.once and single_instance.


rules This is the global rules table.
extra_properties Extra rules properties.
high_priority_properties Extra high priority properties.
delayed_properties Delayed properties.


match (c, rule)
Check if a client matches a rule.


    bool True if it matches, false otherwise.
match_any (c, rule)
Check if a client matches any part of a rule.


    bool True if at least one rule is matched, false otherwise.
matches (c, entry)
Does a given rule entry match a client?
  • c client.object The client.
  • entry table Rule entry (with keys rule, rule_any, except and/or except_any).


matching_rules (c, _rules)
Get list of matching rules for a client.
  • c client.object The client.
  • _rules table The rules to check. List with “rule”, “rule_any”, “except” and “except_any” keys.


    table The list of matched rules.
matches_list (c, _rules)
Check if a client matches a given set of rules.
  • c client.object The client.
  • _rules table The rules to check. List of tables with rule, rule_any, except and except_any keys.


    bool True if at least one rule is matched, false otherwise.
add_rule_source (name, callback, depends_on, precede)
Add a new rule source.

A rule source is a provider called when a client is managed (started). It allows to configure the client by providing properties that should be applied. By default, Awesome provides 2 sources:

It is possible to register new callbacks to modify the properties table before it is applied. Each provider is executed sequentially and modifies the same table. If the first provider set a property, then the second can override it, then the third, etc. Once the providers are exhausted, the properties are applied on the client.

It is important to note that properties themselves have their own dependencies. For example, a tag property implies a screen. Therefor, if a screen is already specified, then it will be ignored when the rule is executed. Properties also have their own priorities. For example, the titlebar and border_width need to be applied before the x and y positions are set. Otherwise, it will be off or the client will shift upward everytime Awesome is restarted. A rule source cannot change this. It is up to the callback to be aware of the dependencies and avoid to introduce issues. For example, if the source wants to set a screen, it has to check if the tag, tags or new_tag are on that screen or remove those properties. Otherwise, they will be ignored once the rule is applied.

  • name string The provider name. It must be unique.
  • callback The callback that is called to produce properties.
    • c client The client
    • properties table The current properties. The callback should add to and overwrite properties in this table
    • callbacks table A table of all callbacks scheduled to be executed after the main properties are applied.
  • depends_on table A list of names of sources this source depends on (sources that must be executed before name. (default {})
  • precede table A list of names of sources this source have a priority over. (default {})


    boolean Returns false if a dependency conflict was found.
remove_rule_source (name)
Remove a source.
  • name string The source name.


    boolean If the source was removed
apply (c)
Apply awful.rules.rules to a client.
execute (c, props[, callbacks])
Apply properties and callbacks to a client.

Rule sources

The default awful.rules source.

Has priority over:



The rule source for clients spawned by awful.spawn.

Has priority over:


The rule source for clients spawned by awful.spawn.once and single_instance.

Has priority over:

Depends on:


This is the global rules table.

Extra rules properties.

These properties are used in the rules only and are not sent to the client afterward.

To add a new properties, just do:

function awful.rules.extra_properties.my_new_property(c, value, props)
    -- do something

By default, the table has the following functions:

  • geometry
  • placement

Extra high priority properties.

Some properties, such as anything related to tags, geometry or focus, will cause a race condition if set in the main property section. This is why they have a section for them.

To add a new properties, just do:

function awful.rules.high_priority_properties.my_new_property(c, value, props)
    -- do something

By default, the table has the following functions:

  • tag
  • new_tag
Delayed properties. Properties applied after all other categories.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-09-28 18:14:15