Class wibox.widget


  • Copyright: 2010 Uli Schlachter
  • Author: Uli Schlachter


wibox.widget:draw_to_cairo_context (wdg, cr, width, height[, context={dpi=96}]) Draw a widget directly to a given cairo context.
wibox.widget:draw_to_svg_file (wdg, path, width, height[, context={dpi=96}]) Create an SVG file showing this widget.
wibox.widget:draw_to_image_surface (wdg, width, height[, format=cairo.Format.ARGB32[, context={dpi=96}]]) Create a cairo image surface showing this widget.


wibox.widget:draw_to_cairo_context (wdg, cr, width, height[, context={dpi=96}])
Draw a widget directly to a given cairo context. This function creates a temporary wibox.hierarchy instance and uses that to draw the given widget once to the given cairo context.
  • wdg widget A widget to draw
  • cr cairo_context The cairo context to draw the widget on
  • width number The width of the widget
  • height number The height of the widget
  • context table The context information to give to the widget. (default {dpi=96})
wibox.widget:draw_to_svg_file (wdg, path, width, height[, context={dpi=96}])
Create an SVG file showing this widget.
  • wdg widget A widget
  • path string The output file path
  • width number The surface width
  • height number The surface height
  • context table The context information to give to the widget. (default {dpi=96})
wibox.widget:draw_to_image_surface (wdg, width, height[, format=cairo.Format.ARGB32[, context={dpi=96}]])
Create a cairo image surface showing this widget.
  • wdg widget A widget
  • width number The surface width
  • height number The surface height
  • format The surface format (default cairo.Format.ARGB32)
  • context table The context information to give to the widget. (default {dpi=96})


    The cairo surface
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-09-28 18:14:15